WALK for the Homeless

Details / FAQ / Volunteer / Sponsors / Become a Sponsor / Beneficiaries / History

Volunteer at the WALK for the Homeless

Volunteers are key for the success of the WALK.  Every year we have about 200 volunteers that make the WALK fun and safe for all participating. 

Thank you for volunteering, it is greatly appreciated!

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Click here to sign up to Volunteer for this year’s WALK for the Homeless!!

Be a WALK Marshall

The WALK marshals are the most important volunteer opportunity we have on WALK Day. WALK Marshals are responsible for the safety of the Walkers through the assigned section of the route. With over a thousand people walking the busy streets of Worcester, we need people strategically placed along the route to direct and encourage WALKers.

Help at a Water Station

Along the WALK route we have several water stops. This opportunity is best suited for small groups. All supplies are dropped off in the morning by Event Staff. All we need from you is your support and enthusiasm! We encourage water stop groups to be creative by bringing energy and fun to their stop. This is an important part of cheering on our WALKers. 

Photographers Needed!

Whether you are a professional photographer or an avid hobbyist we are always looking for people to help us capture the fun.

Organize a WALK Team

This is a fun way to get involved! Invite co-workers, family, and friends to form your WALK Team!  Host a small get-together, and one of the beneficiaries will join you and share the work being done in our community to help those in need.

WALK Promoter

Help us spread the word and promote the WALK by distributing WALK fliers, posters and yard signs to the community. Share our event on social media, and follow us on FaceBook!

Clean Up

Join us at the end the day to pack up the truck and clean up after the festivities

To inquire about volunteering, please contact cjagolinzer@cmhaonline.org