CMHA offers many great ways to make a difference in the lives of families in Worcester County.
Support CMHA Programs:
Grants and Foundation Support
If you are interested in supporting CMHA please get in touch with Christina Jagolinzer, VP Development and Communications.
Donations Clearinghouse
DCH provides donated furniture and household goods to those in need, free of charge.
Elder Home Repair & Maintenance
EHRM supports the age network concept of AGING IN PLACE by helping ensure a physically safe and healthful home.
Family Shelter, Housing Placement, HomeBASE & Stabilization
CMHA provides emergency shelter in coordination with EOHLC with programs designed to allow families to develop a plan for housing and employment, supporting them to get back on their feet and obtain a home as soon as possible.
Your financial support could help provide
Vital Supplies for children and adults on the streets DURING winter months
Outdoor living Supplies
Lightweight sleeping bags
Emergency blankets
Your donation can also help with:
Assistance with expenses not covered by traditional funding
Expand rental options for families with subsidies
Offset costs for storage units for families in transition between residences
In-Kind Donations Needed
Furniture and Housewares
Diapers & Wipes
Outdoor living Supplies
Lightweight sleeping bags
Emergency blankets
Raise awareness, Support WALK & other Volunteer Opportunities
DIY Fundraising (more details to come)
To inquire about volunteering, please contact us at (774) 243-3830 or email