About CMHA

CMHA leads a collaborative response to homelessness that fosters long-term housing stability through prevention, shelter & safety net, moving beyond homelessness, and public ed & advocacy.

Housing Counseling

RAFT Rent Arrears

Walk-In Hours

Tuesday: 9:30 to 11:30 am

Wednesday: 1:00 to 3:00 pm

Required Documents:

  • Tenant: ID, verification of current housing, housing crisis.

  • Landlord: ID, W-9, proof of ownership, banking information.


Housing Navigator - a free online tool makes it simple to search for affordable rentals statewide.


Difficulty paying rent or mortgage?


Donations Clearinghouse


Housing Counseling

Housing Counseling services are available. Email hc@cmhaonline.org or call 508-752-5519 x172.


We’re Hiring!

To learn more check out our Careers Page!

Focus Areas


Early intervention through counseling, mediation, and cash assistance prevents a minor setback from becoming a major housing crisis

Moving Beyond

As people transition back into stable housing, access to education, employment, and other support programs promote long-term housing and economic stability.

Shelter & Safety Net

For people experiencing homelessness, emergency shelter is critical while safety net programs provide ongoing assistance to help move back into housing.

Public Ed
& Advocacy

Underlying our work is the fundamental task of learning from the experiences of those we serve, and then educating, building coalitions, and shaping policy to reduce causes of homelessness.

Your donation matters!

  • Help families maintain safe and affordable housing through Homelessness Prevention Services

  • Assist families who need to access safe shelter with services to move to self-sufficiency

  • Provide furniture and household goods to households leaving shelter in order to make their house a home

  • Give hope to those who have experienced losing their home by providing tools to overcome their setback