Housing Counseling

Background / RAFT Application Hours / FAQs / Contact

The Housing Counseling program works to prevent homelessness and to promote safe, stable and affordable housing. Services include counseling and education regarding landlord/tenant rights and responsibilities. Homelessness prevention and residential stabilization services include ongoing case management, referrals to additional community services and emergency payments for rental and utility arrearages.

One of the funding programs available is RAFT (Residential Assistance for Families in Transition) which is an Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) funded homelessness prevention program. RAFT provides short-term financial assistance to low-income families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Through funding from the United Way, the Housing Counseling program offers community trainings on tenant’s rights and responsibilities. Also, in collaboration with the NeighborWorks HomeOwnership Center of Central MA, we provide trainings on landlord rights and responsibilities.


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