Elder Home Repair & Maintenance

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Success Stories

Comments made by Elder Home Repair clients:

  • "We greatly appreciated the help we received. The work done prevented falls by my wife and I."

  • “No contractor wanted to do [our] small job ― emergency safety repairs were needed. Good job. Thank God for your help!"

  • "The service you provided is needed by elderly homeowners. Management is competent. Sam Niford is ‘tops’ for the job to be done. It is indeed appreciated."

  • “We have never hesitated to call Elder Home Repair when we have a problem ― they have always been very prompt, very efficient, the jobs have always been well done, and the price is very fair."

  • "Repairs are always done in a timely and professional manner. Couldn't get along without this valuable service."

One senior homeowner's story:

"The Elder Home Repair Program is the answer to our prayers. When life should be getting easier it actually gets harder. To discontinue this program would take away the hope of a decent quality of life. It allows us to keep some pride and respect while living amongst neighbors who would otherwise have to know of our poor financial situation. Since the fixed incomes of the elderly do not change, the program will always be needed as wear and tear continue to our homes. I can’t begin to tell you how much peace of mind, and with anxiety then gone, how grateful I am for the help and kindness shown me through this program. Please do not ever end the Elder Home Repair Program."


Support EHRM

Your one time or monthly donation is critical to enabling us to continue to operate Elder Home Repair & Maintenance.